Properly parse a Mongo cursor to PHP Properly parse a Mongo cursor to PHP mongodb mongodb

Properly parse a Mongo cursor to PHP

Basically what I did was this.

return json_encode(iterator_to_array($cursor));

But this created the aforementioned object which is not what I needed.

I solved it in this way.

 $i=0;   foreach($cursor as $item){       $return[$i] = array(           '_id'=>$item['_id'],           'nCode'=>$item['nCode'],           'pId'=>$item['pId'],           'nText'=>$item['nText'],           'longText'=>$item['longText'],           'nStatus'=>$item['nStatus'],           'nVType'=>$item['nVType'],           'pushDate'=>$item['pushDate'],           'updateFlag'=>$item['updateFlag'],           'counter' => $i                    );       $i++;   }

return json_encode($return);

If you result is big in order to save RAM you could try this more efficient method:

function outIterator($iterator, $resultName='results'){    // Efficient MongoCursor Iterator to JSON    // instead of encoding the whole result array to json    // process each item individually    // in order to save memory by not copying the data multiple times    //Start Json Output    header('Content-Type: application/json');    echo '{' . $resultName . ': ['    //Output each item as json if there are results in the iterator         if ($iterator->hasNext()){        foreach ($iterator as $item)        {               echo json_encode ($fixeditem);            if ($iterator->hasNext()) echo ', ';        }    }    //end Json output    echo  ']}';}$results = $db->collection->find();outIterator($results);