Return certain fields with .populate() from Mongoose Return certain fields with .populate() from Mongoose mongodb mongodb

Return certain fields with .populate() from Mongoose

I'm not completely clear on what you mean by "returning a field", but you can use a lean() query so that you can freely modify the output, then populate both fields and post-process the result to only keep the field you want:

.lean().populate('user', 'email.address facebook.address')  .exec(function (err, subscription){     if ( {        delete subscription.user.facebook;    } else {        delete;    }  });

If you only want a few specific fields to be returned for the populated documents, you can accomplish this by passing the field name syntax as the second argument to the populate method.

Model.findOne({ _id: 'bogus' }).populate('the_field_to_populate', 'name') // only return the Persons name...

See Mongoose populate field selection

Try to do this:

applicantListToExport: function (query, callback) {  this   .find(query).select({'advtId': 0})   .populate({      path: 'influId',      model: 'influencer',      select: { '_id': 1,'user':1},      populate: {        path: 'userid',        model: 'User'      }   }) .populate('campaignId',{'campaignTitle':1}) .exec(callback);}