Search multiple fields for multiple values in MongoDB Search multiple fields for multiple values in MongoDB mongodb mongodb

Search multiple fields for multiple values in MongoDB


db.collection.find(    // Find documents matching any of these values    {$or:[        {"field1":{"$in":["foo","bar"]}},        {"field2":{"$in":["foo","bar"]}}    ]})

also refer to this question

Found another answer through poring over the documentation that seems to hit a sweet spot -- text indexes.

db.collection.ensureIndex({"field1":"text","field2":"text"})db.records.runCommand("text",{search:"foo bar"})

When I run my actual query with many more strings and fields (and about 100,000 records), the $or/$in approach takes 620 milliseconds while the text index takes 131 milliseconds. The one drawback is that it returns a different type of document as a result; luckily the actual documents are a parameter of each result object.

Thanks to those who took the time to make suggestions.

I would collect all the relevant fields in one field (i.e. collected) by adding their values like

"foo:field1", "bar:field2", "baz:field3",  "stuff:otherfield", "bar:field1", "baz:field2"...

into that field.

If you search for bar existing in any field you can use:

db.collection.find( { collected: { $regex: "^bar" } }, ... );

Your example in the question would look like:

db.collection.find( collected: { { $all: [ "foo:field1", "foo:field2", "bar:field1", "bar:field2" ] } }, ... );