Set same value on multiple fields Set same value on multiple fields mongodb mongodb

Set same value on multiple fields

You could try first creating the update object where you can set the multiple fields of that object before updating the document this way:

var days = ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun"],    timings = {},    query = {"_id" : ObjectId("554e12e4674dec7517e692eb")},    update = {        "$set": { "timings": timings }    },    options = {"upsert": true};days.forEach(function (day){ timings[day] = "Open 24 Hours" });db.collection.update(query, update, options);

Querying the collection for that document using db.collection.findOne(query) will yield:

/* 0 */{    "_id" : ObjectId("554e12e4674dec7517e692eb"),    "timings" : {        "mon" : "Open 24 Hours",        "tue" : "Open 24 Hours",        "wed" : "Open 24 Hours",        "thu" : "Open 24 Hours",        "fri" : "Open 24 Hours",        "sat" : "Open 24 Hours",        "sun" : "Open 24 Hours"    }}

-- UPDATE --

Another approach (as suggested by @Michael in the comments) is to use the JavaScript's native Object.keys() method which returns an array of a given object's own enumerable properties, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well):

> var days = Object.keys(db.collection.findOne().timings);> print(days);mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun>

And thus can be implemented as:

var days = Object.keys(db.collection.findOne().timings),    timings = {},    query = {"_id" : ObjectId("554e12e4674dec7517e692eb")},    update = {        "$set": { "timings": timings }    },    options = {"upsert": true};