Spring Mongo > How to get list AggregationOperations from Aggregation Spring Mongo > How to get list AggregationOperations from Aggregation mongodb mongodb

Spring Mongo > How to get list AggregationOperations from Aggregation

You can create your own custom aggregation implementation by subclassing the aggregation to access the protected operations field.

Something like

public class CustomAggregation extends Aggregation {      List<AggregationOperation> getAggregationOperations() {      return operations;   }}public Aggregation newCustomAggregation(Aggregation aggregation, Criteria c) {     CustomAggregation customAggregation = (CustomAggregation) aggregation;     List<AggregationOperation> listOperations = customAggregation.getAggregationOperations();     listOperations.add(Aggregation.match(c));     return Aggregation .newAggregation(listOperations); }

Short answer: No, there's no GOOD way to do it.

There is no 'easy' way of getting the AggregationOperation list from outside an Aggregation instance - operations is a protected property of Aggregation class.

You could easily get it with reflection but such code would be fragile and expensive to maintain. Probably there's a good reason for this property to remain protected. You could ask about this in Spring-MongoDB's JIRA. I assume that there is an alternative approach to this.

You could of course change your method to take a collection of AggregationOperation as parameter but there's too liitle information in your post to say if this solution is feasible in your case.

Aggregation has a property operations which will give you all applied operation in Aggregation.

 protected List<AggregationOperation>   allOperations = aggregation.operations ;

will give you all applied operations.