Spring Mongo Upsert nested document Spring Mongo Upsert nested document mongodb mongodb

Spring Mongo Upsert nested document

I am using spring-mongodb .. Here is what I do

Intrest insertObj = new Insert();//initilize insert obj here ..Update args = new Update();args.addToSet("intrest",insertObj);Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("id").is("527242d584ae917d8bd75c7b"));// if u want to do upsert mongoOperation.findAndModify(query, args, FindAndModifyOptions.options().upsert(true), Post.class);//if u want to just updatemongoOperation.findAndModify(query, args, Post.class);

I think what you intend to do is an update. Upsert will modify your document matching the given query if not it will create a new document , where as update will only modify your document if found. here is the reference

I do not know about java, but all you need to do is $pushAll operator (I really hope you can find how to do this with java driver).

db.collection.update(  {"_id" : ObjectId("527242d584ae917d8bd75c7b")},  { $pushAll: { intrest: [ {            "userId" : ObjectId("526a587d84aed6f41cca10bc"),            "timestamp" : ISODate("2013-10-31T11:45:25.256Z")        },        {            "userId" : ObjectId("526a587d84aed6f41cca10bc"),            "timestamp" : ISODate("2013-11-31T11:55:25.256a")        }] } });