Spring mongodb get ID of inserted item after Save Spring mongodb get ID of inserted item after Save mongodb mongodb

Spring mongodb get ID of inserted item after Save

This is pretty interesting and thought I would share. I just figured out the solution for this with the help of BatScream comment above:

You would create an object and insert it into your MongoDB:

    Animal animal = new Animal();    animal.setName(name);    animal.setCat(cat);    mongoTemplate.insert(animal);

Your animal class looks like this with getters and settings for all fields:

public class Animal {    @Id    @JsonProperty    private String id;    @JsonProperty    private String name;    @JsonProperty    private String cat;    public String getId() {        return id;    }}

AFTER you have done the insert under mongoTemplate.insert(animal);, you can actually call the method animal.getId() and it will return back the ObjectId that was created.

I had the same problem with @AlanH that animal.getId() is null. And then I just realized my id field had been set as a final field with a wither method. So of course getId() is null since the id field is immutable and the wither method returns a new object with id.

if this is the case: use animal = template.insert(animal).