Storing and retrieving JavaScript objects in/from MongoDB Storing and retrieving JavaScript objects in/from MongoDB mongodb mongodb

Storing and retrieving JavaScript objects in/from MongoDB

I just recently realized, that it actually is possible to change an objects prototype in V8/node. While this is not in the standard it is possible in various browsers and especially in V8/node!

function User(username, email) {    this.username = username; = email;}User.prototype.sendMail = function (subject, text) {    mailer.send(, subject, text);};var o = {username: 'LoadeFromMongoDB', email: ''};o.__proto__ = User.prototype;o.sendMail('Hello, MongoDB User!', 'You where loaded from MongoDB, but inherit from User nevertheless! Congratulations!');

This is used all over various modules and plugins - even core modules make use of this technique, allthough it is not ECMAScript standard. So I guess it is safe to use within node.js.

I'm not sure I'm following you question exactly... but fwiw one thing came to mind: Have you checked out the Mongoose ORM? (

It gives you a lot of options when it comes to defining models and methods. In particular "Virtuals" might be of interest (

Anyway, hope it helps some!