Upgrade mongo db to 3.2 in spring boot application Upgrade mongo db to 3.2 in spring boot application mongodb mongodb

Upgrade mongo db to 3.2 in spring boot application

Spring Data MongoDB builds on top of MongoDB's Java driver. It uses it to communicate with a MongoDB instance. To use Spring Data MongoDB you need both it and the Java driver.

Spring Data MongoDB support the 3.x driver. To use it you can override the driver's version that's configured by Spring Boot by adding the following to your pom:

<properties>    <mongodb.version>3.2.2</mongodb.version></properties>

Use below tags in pom.xml file and you dont have to worry about spring version.You need not mention any spring boot jar version in pom.xml file.Spring IO platform take cares of it to include compatible jars.

 <parent>    <groupId>io.spring.platform</groupId>    <artifactId>platform-bom</artifactId>    <version>2.0.1.RELEASE</version></parent>