What is the best way to deal with compsite keys when using Salat with MongoDB? What is the best way to deal with compsite keys when using Salat with MongoDB? mongodb mongodb

What is the best way to deal with compsite keys when using Salat with MongoDB?

main Salat developer here.

Like Milan suggested, create a case class for your composite key:

case class FooKey(someRelatedId: String, email: String)case class Foo(@Key("_id") naturalKey: FooKey) {  // use @Persist if you want these fields serialized verbatim to Mongo - see https://github.com/novus/salat/wiki/Annotations for details  @Persist val email =  naturalKey.email  @Persist val someRelatedId = naturalKey.someRelatedId}object FooDAO extends SalatDAO[Foo, FooKey](collection = /*  some Mongo coll */ )

If you object to "_id" as a field name, you can use a global override in the context to remap "_id" to "naturalKey", or supply ad hoc @Key overrides on each object.

I don't personally like giving the _id a different name in your models as then your Mongo queries must use the serialized key "_id" while all your business logic must use the case class field name ("naturalKey" or whatever), but YMMV.

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