What is the most mature MongoDB driver for C#? What is the most mature MongoDB driver for C#? mongodb mongodb

What is the most mature MongoDB driver for C#?

Since this question was answered 10gen have released an official MongoDB C# driver, and although it isn't the most mature C# driver in terms of age, with 10gen behind it it may end up as the most up to date.

It is more low level than the mongodb-csharp driver (no Linq support at the moment) but we haven't found that to be a problem. We moved to the official driver from mongodb-csharp recently on a project (that isn't in production yet) for the following reasons:

  • Replica Set support in an official release
  • SafeMode allows you to specify how many servers a write must be replicated to
  • The driver handles connecting/disconnecting to the database
  • We're hoping that as an official driver, it will have more developer support

The mongodb-csharp driver is about to make a huge push regarding support for typedcollections which will include full Linq support. I think you'll find that it is easy to work.

The other 2 projects are also steaming ahead. If you want .NET 4.0 support, simple-mongodb would be your best bet.

NoRM has a whole bunch of committers who are all great coders, so no problem with it except it doesn't have an official release.