What's the way to translate model attributes in rails with mongoid? What's the way to translate model attributes in rails with mongoid? mongodb mongodb

What's the way to translate model attributes in rails with mongoid?

Variant with "activemodel" does not work for me. But.

This variant worked for me:

 en:  mongoid:    errors:      models:        user:          attributes:            email:              blank: "You have to give me your e-mail address"              not_found: "e-mail address not found in list of members"              #...    attributes:      user:        email: "Email address"        name: "Your nickname"        #...

From here

Try this in the yml file (config/locales/pt-BR.yml in my case):

 activemodel:    attributes:      [model_name]:        [attribute1]: "[translation1]"        [attribute2]: "[translation2]"        [attribute3]: "[translation3]"

Worked for me, using mongoid 2.0.0.beta.17 and rails 3.0.0

Use like this:

mongoid:  attributes:    article:      title: "Article title"

Check this one: https://gist.github.com/lurkermike/1596505