Why does my flapdoodle Embedded MongoDB test fail to run? (creating 'embeddedMongoServer' could not start process EOF) Why does my flapdoodle Embedded MongoDB test fail to run? (creating 'embeddedMongoServer' could not start process EOF) mongodb mongodb

Why does my flapdoodle Embedded MongoDB test fail to run? (creating 'embeddedMongoServer' could not start process EOF)

I was in the same situation, and I could resolve it using @DirtiesContext on this way:

@DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)public class CommoditiesApplicationTests {}

Commenting out the following lines in application.properties and placing them in a different profile can also work. I found it here


Usually already running mongodb instance is the source of the issue. I would start with checking if anything occupies default mongodb port - 27017.