Add/Merge element from from one Object to another Object inside array Add/Merge element from from one Object to another Object inside array mongoose mongoose

Add/Merge element from from one Object to another Object inside array

If I understand correctly, the aim is to create a new collection of aucs like the ones found, each updated to include an item name from the item collection where the item has a matching id.

let aucs = [ { _id: "5c00faa4936359120ceb3632",    auc: 177215422,    item: 130251,    price: 26000000,    lastModified: 1543567955000,    date: "2018-11-30T08:53:56.290Z",    __v: 0 },    { _id: "5c00faa4936359120ceb363f",    auc: 177215440,    item: 130251,    price: 26000000,    lastModified: 1543567955000,    date: "2018-11-30T08:53:56.290Z",    __v: 0 } ]; item = [ { _id: "5bcd8a6134cdd1223cd3239b",    id: 130251,    name: 'TEST_NAME_1',    __v: 0 },    { _id: "5bcd8a6134cdd1223cd3239b",    id: 130252,    name: 'TEST_NAME_2',    __v: 0 }];    // create a new collection of aucs modified to include the names of matching itemslet combined = [];aucs.forEach(auc => {    let combinedAuc = Object.assign({}, auc);    combined.push(combinedAuc);    let matchingItem = item.find(i => auc.item ===;    if (matchingItem) =});console.log(combined)