Auto-increment field in Mongoose Auto-increment field in Mongoose mongoose mongoose

Auto-increment field in Mongoose

The snippet above will not work. According to Mongoose's documentation,calling pre or post hooks after compiling a model does not work. So you should move

export const PostModel =  mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema);

bellow the pre-hook. Also, as PostModel isn't defined yet and you want to take the last id of an object inserted to your database, you can move this check to your resolver instead.

   let lastPost = await PostModel.find({id: {$exists: true}}).sort({id: -1}).limit(1);     // This always returns an array, either empty or with data    if(Array.isArray(lastPost) && lastPost.length > 0){        lastPost = lastPost[0]    }    const post = new PostModel({        ...        id: lastPost['id'] + 1        ...    });    if(Array.isArray(lastPost) && lastPost.length === 0) { = 0;    // If this lastPost is an empty array and you try to access the id property    // you will get an error that NaN to Int conversion failed    }

Hope this helps