Conflicting dates in mongoose and express.js Conflicting dates in mongoose and express.js mongoose mongoose

Conflicting dates in mongoose and express.js

When you are saving dates to a mongo database, you can simply save a javascript Date object regardless of timezone. (Using the Date type as in case 2.) Then you would use moment to display the date in whatever timezone you require.

To save the object:

var id = ...var saveReq = new RequestModel({ _id: id, created_at: new Date() }); (err, result) {  // ...});

To read the object from the database, and then display the localized date string:

var tmoment = require('moment-timezone');RequestModel.findOne({_id: id}, function (err, doc) {  if(err) {} // ...  var created = doc.created_at;  var display = tmoment(created).tz('Asia/Kolkata').format('llll');  console.log(display);});

change server timezone to your local timezone.