Error findAndModify using in Node.js Error findAndModify using in Node.js mongoose mongoose

Error findAndModify using in Node.js

First of all, get rid of this code as you do not need it and you are actually defining a "static" signature that you are not even using:

userSchema.statics.findAndModify = function (query, sort, doc, options, callback) {    return this.collection.findAndModify(query, sort, doc, options, callback);}

You should have a declaration for your User model that is something like this:

var User = mongoose.model( "User", userSchema );

Now let's look at the usage of the mongoose method .findOneAndUpdate() in long form:

User.findOneAndUpdate(    { _id: userid },                 // this is what "query" means    { "$inc": { "incr": 1 } },       // this is what "update" means    { "upsert": true },              // this is what "options" means    function(err,user) {

You were trying to use the "native" collection method rather than the same that already exists using Mongoose. Also this shows the correct arguments that that need to be passed to this method that are further explained in the documentation link provided.

Also see .findByIdAndUpdate() and other methods that are basic variations of the .findAndModify()` method.

you can try mongoose findByIdAndUpdate method instead

Model.findByIdAndUpdate( id, { $set: {name: 'xyz'}} , { new:true}, function(err,result) {    if ( err ) {        console.warn(err);    } else {        console.log(result);    }});

the option new:true returns the updated document, else the old unupdated document