Error in Promise Not sending any error in response object in NodeJS/Express/Mongoose Error in Promise Not sending any error in response object in NodeJS/Express/Mongoose mongoose mongoose

Error in Promise Not sending any error in response object in NodeJS/Express/Mongoose

An Error instance is an object, and Express will (AFAIK) use code similar to this:


The result of JSON.stringify(err) is {} because its main properties (name, message and stack) are not enumerable.

I'm not sure what exactly you want to return to the user, but it's common to send back the message property of that object:

return res.status(401).send({ error : err.message });

Also, your second .then() is superfluous, you can shorten your code to this:

userPromise.then(function(user) {  if (! user) {    throw new Error("step 1 failed!");  }  if (! user.comparePassword(req.body.password)) {    throw new Error("step 2 failed!");  }  return res.json({token: jwt.sign({,, _id: user._id}, 'SOMETOKEN')});}).catch(function(err) {  return res.status(401).send({ error : err.message });});

Add return Promise.resolve(user) at the end of your first then() block.