Error in updating form values in mongoDB using nodejs Error in updating form values in mongoDB using nodejs mongoose mongoose

Error in updating form values in mongoDB using nodejs

You need to read from your req.body, and use those values to create employee body.

router.put("/:id", (req, res) => {  if (!ObjectId.isValid( {    return res.status(400).send(`Not a valid id ${}`);  }  const { email, name, position, office, salary } = req.body;  var emp = { email, name, position, office, salary };  Employee.findByIdAndUpdate(,    { $set: emp },    { new: true },    (err, doc) => {      if (!err) {        if (doc) {          res.send(doc);        } else {          res.status(400).send("Not found");        }      } else {        console.log(err);        res.status(500).send("Something went wrong");      }    }  );});

Let's say you have this employee document.

{    "_id" : ObjectId("5e01d6d21151ad62600b1ba6"),    "name" : "Employee 1",    "position" : "Web developer",    "office" : "Software",    "salary" : 1111,    "email" : "",    "__v" : 0}

If we want to update position and salary, we can use this request.body:

{    "name": "Employee 1",    "position": "Senior Web developer",    "office": "Software",    "salary": 2222,    "email": ""}

When you send a PUT request to your route (.../5e01d6d21151ad62600b1ba6) with this body, the result will be like this:

{    "_id": "5e01d6d21151ad62600b1ba6",    "name": "Employee 1",    "position": "Senior Web developer",    "office": "Software",    "salary": 2222,    "email": "",    "__v": 0}