Filter against geo_point in an array of nested objects Filter against geo_point in an array of nested objects mongoose mongoose

Filter against geo_point in an array of nested objects

Following is an example on applying filter query against geo_point with an nested object. I have used mongoosastic which is a Mongoose plugin to create indexing in elasticsearch.

Mongoose geoLocation data model

geoLocation: {    type: {        type: String,        default: 'Point'    },    coordinates: [Number]}

Create mapping on geoLocation field

Model.createMapping({            "mappings": {                "event": {                    "properties": {                        "geoLocation": {                            "type": "nested",                            "properties": {                                "coordinates": {                                    "type": "geo_point",                                    "lat_lon": true                                }                            }                        }                    }                }            }        },        function(err, mapping) {            if (!err) {                console.log('mapping created!');            }        });

Query with geo filter

{    "query": {        "filtered": {            "query": {                "multi_match": {                    "query": "Pop",                    "fields": ["name","city"],                    "type": "phrase_prefix"                }            },            "filter": {                "nested": {                    "path": "geoLocation",                    "query": {                        "filtered": {                            "filter": {                                "geo_distance": {                                    "distance": "5km",                                    "geoLocation.coordinates": {                                        "lat": 19.1074861,                                        "lon": 72.9156988                                    }                                }                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }    }}