How can I "cache" a mongoDB/Mongoose result to be used in my Express.js views and routes How can I "cache" a mongoDB/Mongoose result to be used in my Express.js views and routes mongoose mongoose

How can I "cache" a mongoDB/Mongoose result to be used in my Express.js views and routes

Take a look at cachegoose. It will allow you to cache any query you want and invalidate that cache entry each time a new gallery is created.

You will need something like this:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');const cachegoose = require('cachegoose');cachegoose(mongoose); // You can specify some options here to use Redis instead of in-memory cacheapp.get(function(req, res, next) {    ...    Gallery        .find()        .cache(0, 'GALLERY-CACHE-KEY')        .exec(function(err, galleries) {            if (err) throw err;              res.locals.navGalleries = galleries;            next();    });    ...});, res, next) {    ...    new Gallery(req.body).save(function (err) {        if (err) throw err;        // Invalidate the cache as new data has been added:        cachegoose.clearCache('GALLERY-CACHE-KEY');    });    ...});

Although you could do something simpler caching the results manually in a variable and invalidating that cache when new galleries are added, I would advise you to take a look at that package instead.