How to create mongoose model for GridFS collection? How to create mongoose model for GridFS collection? mongoose mongoose

How to create mongoose model for GridFS collection?

Late response but try replacing ref: 'tracks.files' with ref: 'trackSchema'.

The ref field is referenced within populate('trackSchema') and must be a reference to another Schema. Check saving-refs out if you want to learn more about populating fields and references in Mongoose.

I also wouldn't recommend creating schemas of any sort for implementing GridFS, I'd let Mongo take care of this as it may lead to file corruption or missing/outdated documents if implemented incorrectly.

As for the lack of official documentation for GridFS, especially GridFS with Mongoose, I used Mongo's native GridFsBucket class (as of my knowledge, no still maintained official Mongoose-GridFS API exist), the best docs I used when attempting this myself was gridfs. With a tutorial here streaming.

To use Mongo's native GridFSBucket with Mongoose just grab its mongo property and Mongoose's connection instance from its connection property.

const mongoose = require(mongoose);var gridFSBucket = new mongoose.mongo.GridFSBucket(mongoose.connection.db, {   bucketName: 'images'});