How to find items using regex in Mongoose [duplicate] How to find items using regex in Mongoose [duplicate] mongoose mongoose

How to find items using regex in Mongoose [duplicate]

mongoose doc for find.

mongodb doc for regex.

   var Person = mongoose.model('Person', yourSchema);   // find each person with a name contains 'Ghost'   Person.findOne({ "name" : { $regex: /Ghost/, $options: 'i' } },          function (err, person) {                 if (err) return handleError(err);                 console.log('%s %s is a %s.',,, person.occupation);   });

Note the first argument we pass to mongoose.findOne function. "{ "name" : { $regex: /Ghost/, $options: 'i' } }". "name" is the field of the document you are searching. "Ghost" is the regular expression. "i" is for case insensitive match. Hope this will help you.