How to handle hyphens in GraphQL Schema definitions How to handle hyphens in GraphQL Schema definitions mongoose mongoose

How to handle hyphens in GraphQL Schema definitions

GraphQL Returns the following error: Error: Names must match /^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/ but "png-xlarge" does not.

GraphQL complains that field name 'png-xlarge' is invalid. The regular expression in error message says that the first character can be a letter irrespective of case or underscore. The remaining characters can also have digit. Therefore, it is clear that neither hyphen - nor single quote ' is acceptable for a field name. The rules basically follow the variable naming rules that you find in almost every programming language. You can check the GraphQL naming rules.

If I am trying to model the GraphQL after my Mongoose model, how can I reconcile the fields? Is there a way for me to create an alias?

With the help of resolve function, you can do this as follows:

pngXLarge: {     type: GraphQLString,    resolve: (imageFormats) => {        // get the value `xlarge` from the passed mongoose object 'imageFormats'        const xlarge = imageFormats['png-xlarge'];        return xlarge;    },},