How to import json into MongoDB using Mongoose How to import json into MongoDB using Mongoose mongoose mongoose

How to import json into MongoDB using Mongoose

If I understand it well, all you need is to upload a JSON document to your MongoDB collection from Mongoose. Given that your model is named Club, you can access raw driver methods through Club.collection. And use insertMany to achieve what you want.

Here is a stand alone example (the interesting stuff is at the end):

> var mongoose = require('mongoose')> var assert = require('assert')> mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test');> var Schema = mongoose.Schema> var clubSchema = new Schema({...   name: String,... })> var Club = mongoose.model('Club', clubSchema)// Now, the interesting part:> data = [...   { 'name' : 'Barcelona' },...   { 'name' : 'Real Madrid' },...   { 'name' : 'Valencia' }... ]> Club.collection.insertMany(data, function(err,r) {...       assert.equal(null, err);...       assert.equal(3, r.insertedCount);... ...       db.close();... })

And check from the Mongo Shell:

> db.clubs.find(){ "_id" : ObjectId("5574b464b680174d79e37601"), "name" : "Barcelona" }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5574b464b680174d79e37602"), "name" : "Real Madrid" }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5574b464b680174d79e37603"), "name" : "Valencia" }

Sometimes shell scripts may help:

for filename in *; do mongoimport -d mydb -c $filename --jsonArray done

See also: MongoDB Bulk import using mongoimport from Windows folder