How to insertMany and update duplicates in mongodb? How to insertMany and update duplicates in mongodb? mongoose mongoose

How to insertMany and update duplicates in mongodb?

You can find duplicates as follows, then you can remove them and insert them again.


static async addOrders(ordersArray) {const ordersTable = new mongoose.model('ordersTable', Schemas.ordersTable);try {    const docs = await ordersTable.insertMany(ordersArray, {ordered: false});    return Promise.resolve('Data Inserted');} catch (e) {       if (e.code === 11000){            // 1- getting duplicates            console.log('getting duplicates');            let orders = [];            const ordersIDs =>{                const parsedError = JSON.stringify(error);                const order = JSON.parse(parsedError).op;                orders.push(order);                return order.orderID;            });            // 2- removing old duplicates.            const deleted = await ordersTable.deleteMany({orderID:{'$in':ordersIDs}});            // 3- adding the orders            try{                const newAddedOrders = await ordersTable.insertMany(orders , {ordered : false});                return Promise.resolve('Data Inserted');            }catch (e) {                return Promise.reject(e);            }        }else return Promise.reject(e);}


As you see in the code comments, we are getting duplicates first, then we are removing and inserting the rows.