How to use async/await with mongoose How to use async/await with mongoose mongoose mongoose

How to use async/await with mongoose

Basically I want a similar snippet, but written with proper async/await syntax.

(async () => {  try {    await mongoose.connect(dbURI, dbOptions)  } catch (err) {    console.log('error: ' + err)  }})()

Please try this, Below code has basics of db connectivity and a query :

const mongoose = require('mongoose');const Schema = mongoose.Schema;let url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test';const usersSchema = new Schema({    any: {}}, {    strict: false});const Users = mongoose.model('users', usersSchema, 'users');/** We've created schema as in mongoose you need schemas for your collections to do operations on them */const dbConnect = async () => {    let db = null;    try {        /** In real-time you'll split DB connection(into another file) away from DB calls */        await mongoose.connect(url, { useNewUrlParser: true }); // await on a step makes process to wait until it's done/ err'd out.        db = mongoose.connection;        let dbResp = await Users.find({}).lean(); /** Gets all documents out of users collection.                                    Using .lean() to convert MongoDB documents to raw Js objects for accessing further. */        db.close(); // Needs to close connection, In general you don't close & re-create often. But needed for test scripts - You might use connection pooling in real-time.         return dbResp;    } catch (err) {        (db) && db.close(); /** Needs to close connection -                   Only if mongoose.connect() is success & fails after it, as db connection is established by then. */        console.log('Error at dbConnect ::', err)        throw err;    }}dbConnect().then(res => console.log('Printing at callee ::', res)).catch(err => console.log('Err at Call ::', err));

As we're talking about async/await then few things I wanted to mention - await definitely needs it's function to be declared as async - otherwise it would throw an error. And it's recommended to wrap async/await code inside try/catch block.

const connectDb = async () => {    await mongoose.connect(dbUri, dbOptions).then(        () => {  `Connected to database`)        },        error => {            console.error(`Connection error: ${error.stack}`)            process.exit(1)        }    )}connectDb().catch(error => console.error(error))

Lets assume the use of then() is prohibited, you can result to this...

const connectDb = async () => {    try {        await mongoose.connect(dbConfig.url, dbConfigOptions)`Connected to database on Worker process: ${}`)    } catch (error) {        console.error(`Connection error: ${error.stack} on Worker process: ${}`)        process.exit(1)    }}