how to use Promise with express in node.js? how to use Promise with express in node.js? mongoose mongoose

how to use Promise with express in node.js?

Try the following, and after please read the following document to understand how the promises work.

var Promise = require('promise');'/Registration',function(req,res,next) {    function username() {        console.log("agyaaa");        return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {            User.findOne({"username":req.body.username}, function(err,user) {                if (err) {                    reject(err)                } else {                    console.log("yaha b agyaaa");                    var errorsArr = [];                    errorsArr.push({"msg":"Username already been taken."});                    resolve(errorsArr);                }            });        });    }    username().then(function(data) {        console.log(data);        next();    });});

You can have other errors also (or things that shouldn't be done that way). I'm only showing you the basic use of a Promise.'/Registration', function(req, res) {    return User        .findOne({ username: req.body.username })        .then((user) => {            if (user) {                return console.log({ msg:"Username already been taken" });            }            return console.log({ msg: "Username available." });        })        .catch((err)=>{            return console.error(err);        });});

you can write a clean code like this.Promise is a global variable available you don't need to require it.