Mongo Aggregation for inventory stock data Mongo Aggregation for inventory stock data mongoose mongoose

Mongo Aggregation for inventory stock data

Try this:

db.collection.find({"availabe_in.stock" : {$lt : 10}})

or using aggregation pipeline:

db.collection.aggregate([{     $match :{          "availabe_in.stock" : {$lt : 10}     }}])

Note : 0 is also less than 10, so you dont need any special or query to add equals to 0 condition

If you want to get only those elements of available_in array which match, then you can use below aggregation pipeline:

db.collection.aggregate([{    $unwind : "$available_in"},{    $match : {        "available_in.stock" : {            $lt : 10        }    }},{    $group : {        _id : "$_id",        name : {$first : "$name"},        available_in : {$push : "$available_in"}    }}])