Mongo DB - Geospatial Queries with location and field radius(Internal field comparision) Mongo DB - Geospatial Queries with location and field radius(Internal field comparision) mongoose mongoose

Mongo DB - Geospatial Queries with location and field radius(Internal field comparision)

You can use the $where operator:

model.find({'$where': function() {    var myLoc = [ 14.67, 56.78 ];    return { 'loc': {         '$geoWithin': { "$centerSphere": [ myLoc, this.Radius ] } }    }}})

Sample collection data

{ "business": "Store","geo": {    "name": "StoreName",    "coordinates": [80.628913, 13.622177],    "type": "Point"},"address": "Some Address","city": "Kolkata","pincode": "700001","startTime": "10:00:00 AM","closingTime": "7:00:00 PM","closedOn": "Closed on Sunday",}

Create 2dSphear index on db.collectionName.createIndex({geo:'2dsphere'}) Now use the $geoNear aggregation query to smoothly fetch record.

db.collectionName.aggregate([       {         $geoNear: {            near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [  80.3355,13.6701  ] }, // Mandatory Param.            distanceField: "dist.calculated",          // It will return in the document how much distence (meter) is far feom center            maxDistance: 2000,                         // Fetch 2KM radius store, Distance in meter from the center             spherical: true,                           // calculates distances using spherical geometry.            query:{pincode:"700001"}                  // Specific Query parameter on other field present in the collection         }       }    ]).pretty()

This is a working code and tested and verified.