Mongo: Limit returned records to an incremental count on slice Mongo: Limit returned records to an incremental count on slice mongoose mongoose

Mongo: Limit returned records to an incremental count on slice

Use unwind to deconstruct the documents, then limit it and group them again

var query = Model.aggregate(        { $match: { id: id } },        { $sort: { created: -1 } },        { $unwind: '$array_data' },        { $limit: 20 },        {          $group: {            _id: {              name:'$name',              number: '$number',              created: '$created',              status: '$status',              time: '$time'            },            array_data: {              $push: '$array_data'            }          }        },        {            $project: {                name: '$',                number: '$_id.number',                created: '$_id.created',                status: '$_id.status',                time: '$_id.time',                array_data: 1,                _id: 0            }        }    )