MongoDB query on multiple array of objects MongoDB query on multiple array of objects mongoose mongoose

MongoDB query on multiple array of objects

The query object should look like this for your example

{  $or: [    {      original: { name: "English", code: "en" },      target: {        $in: [{ name: "Japanese", code: "jp" }, { name: "Chinese", code: "cn" }]      }    },    {      original: { name: "Korean", code: "ko" },      target: {        $in: [{ name: "Japanese", code: "jp" }, { name: "English", code: "en" }]      }    }  ]}

So you will have to construct the condition from prefLang like this

const query = {  $or: => ({    original: lang.main,    target: { $in: lang.secondary }  }))}const post = await Post.find(query)


If the language objects have a strict schema, you can define them like this

const LanguageSchema = new mongoose.Schema({  name: String,  code: String}, {  _id: false})const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({  //...  googleId: String,  name: String,  Language: [{ main: LanguageSchema, secondary: [LanguageSchema] }]})

Sounds like the usage of basic boolean logic would suffice:

const prefLang = req.user.Language;let conditions = [];prefLang.forEach((langObj) => {    let tragetLangs = => lang.code);    conditions.push({        $and: [            {                "original.code": langObj.main.code,            },            {                "target.code": {$in: tragetLangs}            }        ]    })})// you should check conditions !== empty array.const post = await Post.find({$or: conditions})