MongoDB v2.4.9 sort by boolean field MongoDB v2.4.9 sort by boolean field mongoose mongoose

MongoDB v2.4.9 sort by boolean field

The code above works, my data was bad. As I wrote in the comment above, some of the documents had isFoo as a String (not Boolean) and that's why I was seeing the mixed results.

I had to change the type of the field from String to Boolean so I tried this:

db.users.find( { 'isFoo' : { $exists : true } } ).forEach( function (x) {   x.isFoo = new Boolean(x.isFoo);; });

But that just turned all of the isFoo fields to Objects.

Seeing as I was really tired of dealing with this issue I just used the following to set all the isFoo fields to false and just handle the changes manually.

db.users.find( { 'isFoo' : { $exists : true } } ).forEach( function (x) {   x.isFoo = false;; });

This was very annoying.