MongoError: cannot infer query fields to set, path 'users' is matched twice MongoError: cannot infer query fields to set, path 'users' is matched twice mongoose mongoose

MongoError: cannot infer query fields to set, path 'users' is matched twice

I use this as the condition

{  "users": {        $all: [          {"$elemMatch": userId1},          {"$elemMatch": userId2}        ]  }......}

I know this already has an answer but to hopefully save someone else some time, I had to do this:

{  "users": {        $all: [          { $elemMatch: { $eq: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId1) }},          { $elemMatch: { $eq: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId2) }}        ]  }......}

Modifications from accepted answer:

  • The $eq was needed just like Dave Howson said in his comment on the accepted answer.
  • mongoose.Types.ObjectId was needed because I guess the _id property on my schema instance was a string.

There is a workaround for this issue:{a:{$all:[{$elemMatch:{$eq:0}},{$elemMatch:{$eq:1}}]}},{$set:{b:1}},{upsert:true})

This will match when a is an array with both 0 and 1 in it and it will upsert otherwise.
