Mongoose document: Execute hook manually for testing Mongoose document: Execute hook manually for testing mongoose mongoose

Mongoose document: Execute hook manually for testing

Okay, here’s what we did at the end. We replaced the $__save function with a no operation implementation:

// overwrite the $__save with a no op. function, // so that mongoose does not try to write to the databasetestDoc.$__save = function(options, callback) {  callback(null, this);};

This prevents hitting the database, but the pre hook obviously still gets called., doc) {  expect('foo_modified');  done();});

Mission accomplished.

As of Mongoose 5.9, using the $__save override doesn't seem to work, so here is a replacement that doesn't require you to call the save() method directly:

const runPreSaveHooks = async (doc) => {  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {    doc.constructor._middleware.execPre("save", doc, [doc], (error) => {      error ? reject(error) : resolve(doc);    });  });};await runPreSaveHooks(testDoc);expect('foo_modified');