Mongoose findOneAndUpdate won't update my database Mongoose findOneAndUpdate won't update my database mongoose mongoose

Mongoose findOneAndUpdate won't update my database

Refering the doc, parameter of findOneAndUpdate should be a filter object, not the id directly.

So please try Partner.findOneAndUpdate({'_id': id},....

This is a syntax for findOneAndUpdate as per the docs:

var query = { name: 'borne' };Model.findOneAndUpdate(query, { name: 'jason bourne' }, options, callback)

Change db query to this:

let query = {_id: id };let dataToUpdate= {    "fullname": fullname,    "email": email,    "phones": phones,    "shops":shops,    "company": company  }let options = {useFindAndModify: false}  // useFindAndModify set to false at query level// options = {useFindAndModify: false,new:true} if you want updated docs in return Partner.findOneAndUpdate(query,dataToUpdate,options,(err, document) => {        if (err) return err;        //console.log(document);        res.send({ document });        }    )

To set Deprecation Warnings on or off at mongoose level use option

mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false)

Read more here:

Deprecation Warnings


You can also use findByIdAndUpdate method:

Model.findByIdAndUpdate(id, update, options, callback)

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