(Mongoose) How to get user._id from session in order to POST data including this user._id (Mongoose) How to get user._id from session in order to POST data including this user._id mongoose mongoose

(Mongoose) How to get user._id from session in order to POST data including this user._id

A bit different but:

User Model:

var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({    username: String,    password: String});

Tasks Model:

var taskSchema = mongoose.schema({    text: String,    author: {        id: {            type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,            ref: "User"        },        username: String    }});module.exports = mongoose.model("Task", taskSchema);

Create a task with post route:

var text = req.body.text;var author = {    id: req.user._id,    username: req.user.username};var newTask = {text: text, author: author};Task.create(newTask, function(err, addedTask){     // what you wanna do});

Similarly with edit/update you can use a put route (edit) and delete route (method override for delete) with a 'checkTaskOwnership' middleware and then

Task.findByIdAndUpdate / Task.findByIdAndRemove

I think you should store user's _id in session. To store _id in the session use passport. It handles Authentication really well, and on successful authentication it stores users credentials in req.user. This req.user is present in all the requests. So for any Route, you can get the user's _id from req.user object. you wont need to send user's _id from the Frontend.

While saving Task use this:

var task = new Task({    title: req.body.title,   owner : req.user._id});task.save(function(err){...});

Read PassportJS docmentation to get more detailed information about Session and Authentication.