mongoose how to handle password encoding nicely? mongoose how to handle password encoding nicely? mongoose mongoose

mongoose how to handle password encoding nicely?

You DO have access to other properties from within the setter with the use of the this keyword. For example:

userSchema.path('pass').set(function(v) {  console.log(this); // Returns model instance  return v;});

However, setters are unfit for your use case. As you probably know, HMAC-SHA1 is super expensive and therefore will block unless performed asynchronously. Mongoose setters require the function to return a value and there is no way to route the result of crypto.pbkdf2()'s callback to the return value of the setter function. This is a limitation of asynchronous javascript and not Mongoose itself: you can't wrap an async call within a sync function, as this destroys the nature of the async chain.

Setters are most widely used for simple string manipulations and data sanitization.

Here is a demo for encryption using only instance methods:

// Model methoduserSchema.methods.hashPassword = function(pass, callback) {  // Generate salt (this should probably be async too)  var salt = this.salt = crypto.createHash('md5').update(Math.random().toString()).digest('hex');  // Salt and Hash password  crypto.pbkdf2(pass, salt, 25000, 512, callback);});// Implementationvar user = new User({  email:});user.hashPassword(req.body.pass, function(err, hash){  user.pass = hash;;});