Mongoose loop through findOneAndUpdate condition statement Mongoose loop through findOneAndUpdate condition statement mongoose mongoose

Mongoose loop through findOneAndUpdate condition statement

This could be done with an atomic update where you can ditch the initial findById() call and include the comparison logic

if (productDB.stock > o.stock && productDB.stock > 0) { ... }

within the query as in the following:

function updateStock(o) {    mongoose.model('Product').findOneAndUpdate(         {             "_id": o._id,            "$and": [                { "stock": { "$gt": o.stock } } ,                { "stock": { "$gt": 0 } }            ]        },        { "$inc": { "stock": -(o.stock) } },         { "new": true }, // <-- returns modified document        function (err, doc) {            // check whether there was an update        }    );}