Mongoose/MongoDB Polygon data type and validation error Mongoose/MongoDB Polygon data type and validation error mongoose mongoose

Mongoose/MongoDB Polygon data type and validation error

I built this "Location Schema" and it seems to handle Points and Polygons:

var locationSchema = new Schema({    type: {             type: String,             enum: ['Point',                   'MultiPoint',                   'LineString',                   'MultiLineString',                   'Polygon',                   'MultiPolygon'            ],            default: 'Point'    },    coordinates: {             // Array of {lat,lng} objects            type: [{lat:{type:Number,max:90.0,min:-90.0},                    lng:{type:Number,max:180.0,min:-180.0},                    _id:false            }],               default: [{lat:0,lng:0}] // Lat Lon    }},{_id:false});var LocationModel = mongoose.model('Location',locationSchema);// Test and validate polygonvar polygon = new LocationModel({            type:'Polygon',            coordinates:[{lat:-34.0,lng:105},{lat:-34.0,lng:106},                         {lat:-35.0,lng:106},{lat:-35.0,lng:105}]    });polygon.validate(function(err){    console.log(String(err));});// Test and validate pointvar point = new LocationModel({            type:'Point',            coordinates:[{lat:-34.0,lng:105}]    });point.validate(function(err){    console.log(String(err));});

Hope this helps somebody.


After some work, for us, we ended up simplifying the 'Location' schema:

'use strict';...var schema = new Schema({    type: {  // Type of Location        type: String,         required: true,        enum: ['Point','Polygon']    },    coordinates: { // Specified coordinates of location        type: [],        required: true    }},{_id:false});... validation methods, etc.let model = mongoose.model('Location',schema);module.exports = {    model : model,    schema : schema}

Model that uses the Location Model/Schema:

const Location = require('./Location');const LocationSchema = Location.schema;...const schema = new Schema({    ...    location: {        type: LocationSchema,        required: true,        validate: [Location.someValidationMethod, 'Specified location is not a point']},    footprint: {        type: LocationSchema,        required: true,        validate: [Location.someValidationMethod, 'Specified location is not        a Polygon']},    ...});schema.index({'location','2dsphere'});schema.index({'footprint','2dsphere'});

Test Driver:

let entry = new BlahModel({    ...    location:{        type:'Point',        coordinates:[0,2] // Lon/Lat    },    footprint:{        type:'Polygon',        coordinates:[[[0,10],[0,20],[10,20],[0,10]]]    },    ...

Mongoose doesn't like the double array short hand [[Number]]

You'll want to define your geojson schema generically if you're trying to handle all those types, for example Points are just 1D arrays, LineStrings are 2D, and Polygons are 3D. Give this a shot:

geo: {    type: { type: String, "enum": [            "Point",            "MultiPoint",            "LineString",            "MultiLineString",            "Polygon",            "MultiPolygon"        ] },    coordinates:     { type: Array }}

You can also check out some of these examples to help you get going:

Hope this helps!