Mongoose: Populating object's nested array with projection Mongoose: Populating object's nested array with projection mongoose mongoose

Mongoose: Populating object's nested array with projection

You can do this by providing the select option in your populate call:

Car.findOne()    .populate({        path: 'partIds',        select: { props: { $elemMatch: { colour: 'red' } }, name: 1 }    })    .exec(callback);


{ _id: 57c085451cd8dfcdf814f640,    name: 'BMW',    partIds:     [ { _id: 57baa43e152654f80aac36a6,         name: 'Piston',         props: [ { colour: 'red', shape: 'Cubical' } ] } ] }

The select uses the $elemMatch projection operator to select just the red props element.

you can try this, it should get you what you want.

car.find({"partIds.props.colour" : "red"})    .populate('partIds')    .exec(function(err,result){...});