Mongoose query: how to pass a variable Mongoose query: how to pass a variable mongoose mongoose

Mongoose query: how to pass a variable

You could do:

Xcom.find({ $where : "this.NIC_No == '" + variableThatContainsNumber + "'" }, function ( err, xcoms ){    ...});

Or even better:

Xcom.find({NIC_No: variableThatContainsNumber}, function(err, doc) {    ...});

The second one is much better because it does not require JavaScript execution within MongoDB.

This will work:

{ $where : "this.NIC_No == '" + n + "'" }

Although you're passing in a value that the user could directly set, which probably isn't a great idea. If n is always a number, be safer to make sure using something like:

 var n = parseInt(req.body.NIC_No, 10);

And if n is always a number, you don't need to put it in quotes in the query either:

{ $where : "this.NIC_No == " + n }