Mongoose schema virual and async await Mongoose schema virual and async await mongoose mongoose

Mongoose schema virual and async await

Getters and Setters cannot be async, that's just the nature of JS.

You never called callback

schema.method('getDisplayName', async function (cb) { // <-- added callback  var source = await Source.findById(;  if(source) {    var displaySource = JSON.parse(source['data']);        console.log(displaySource['displayName']);    cb(displaySource['displayName'])                  // <-- called callback  } else cb(null)});

Then somewhere in code

Schema.findOne(function (err, schema) {  schema.getDisplayName(function (displayName) {   // got it here  })})

Note that schema.virtual('displayName') is removed

I defined displayName as:

schema.virtual("displayName").get(async function () {  const souce = await Source.findById(;  if (source) {    return source.displayName;  }  return undefined;});

The property must have await before referencing it, like this:

  const name = await sourceDoc.displayName;

as the property is an async function elsewhere. If somebody can teach me how to call an async function without await I'd be very happy.