Mongoose setDefaultsOnInsert and 2dsphere index not working Mongoose setDefaultsOnInsert and 2dsphere index not working mongoose mongoose

Mongoose setDefaultsOnInsert and 2dsphere index not working

The setDefaultsOnInsert option uses the $setOnInsert operator to perform its function, and it looks like that's conflicting with your own use of $setOnInsert to set the location.

A workaround would be to remove the setDefaultsOnInsert option and put it all in your own $setOnInsert operator:

model.user.user.findOneAndUpdate(      {facebookId: request.params.facebookId},      {          $setOnInsert: {              activated: false,              creationDate:,              email:,              location: {                  type: 'Point',                  coordinates: request.payload.location.coordinates              }          }      },      {upsert: true, new: true},      function (err, user) {          if (err) {              console.log(err);              return reply(boom.badRequest(authError));          }          return reply(user);      });

One of the devs responded to my issue on github and added it as a milestone for the 4.0.8 release, this was his workaround:

  $setOnInsert: {          facebookId: request.params.facebookId,          email:,          'location.type': 'Point',          'location.coordinates': request.payload.location.coordinates  }

His solution does NOT work for me, I get the following error:

{ [MongoError: exception: insertDocument :: caused by :: 16755 Can't extract geo keys from object, malformed geometry?: { _id: ObjectId('559024a0395dd599468e4f41'), facebookId: 1.020272578180189e+16, location: { coordinates: [], type: "Point" }, email: "", gender: "male", lastName: "Druwé", firstName: "Jeroen", __v: 0, activated: false, creationDate: new Date(1435509921264), familyDetails: { children: [] } }]