mongoose sort document by populated field with conditions mongoose sort document by populated field with conditions mongoose mongoose

mongoose sort document by populated field with conditions

You can use $lookup.

$lookup promotions by vehicle id for a criteria and sort and limit to pick up the latest promotion.

$addFields to add the is_promotion field.

VehicleSchema.aggregate([  {"$lookup":{    "from":"Promotion",    "let":{"_id":"$_id"},    "pipeline":[      {"$match":{        "start_at":{"$lt"},        "end_at":{"$gt"},        "$expr":{"$eq":["$vehicle","$$_id"]}      }},      {"$sort":{"start_at":-1}},      {"$limit":1}    ],    "as":"activepromotion"  }},  {"$addFields":{    "is_promotion":{"$gt":[{"$size":"$activepromotion"},0]}  }}])

# Try it to get the start_at of our VehicleSchema, then use find() to search for this in the VehicleSchema field across all PromotionSchema.#

PromotionSchema.findOne({ start_at: {        type: Date    } }).populate('VehicleSchema') .exec(function (err, PromotionSchema) {  if (err) return handleError(err);  console.log('The total vehicles %s', PromotionSchema.VehicleSchema.vehicle);.short(Date)});