MongooseError - Operation buffering timed out after 10000ms MongooseError - Operation buffering timed out after 10000ms mongoose mongoose

MongooseError - Operation buffering timed out after 10000ms

from what i know, this error means that the connection is not connected, so the command (find) has an timeout

i also would recommend to either cache the DatasourceModel or only run the function once (the connection does not need to be connected to create an model, it only needs to be connected to do commands (like find))
so if you have an global connection, you should simply remove the function and just run getModelForClass, but if you have an "local" connection (like from an class property), then you should cache it there, example:

// i think this way of defining stuff is common in nestjs?class Dummy {  public connection: mongoose.Connection;  public model: mongoose.Model;  constructor(connection: mongoose.Connection) {    this.connection = connection;    this.model = getModelForClass({ ...otherGlobalStuff, existingConnection: connection });    // or when wanting to use your function    this.model = DatasourceModel(connection);  }}// and if for one file onlylet model = DatasourceModel(connection);

Some other notes:

  • if you want to use arrays in typegoose, you need to manually define the type with the type option, look here on why
  • only the mongoose.Types.ObjectId type should be used for an ObjectId