Over-use of require() in node.js, mongoose Over-use of require() in node.js, mongoose mongoose mongoose

Over-use of require() in node.js, mongoose

require() caches modules when you use it. When you see the same file or module required everywhere it's only being loaded once, and the stored module.exports is being passed around instead. This means that you can use require everywhere and not worry about performance and memory issues.

As cptroot states requiring a module everywhere you need it instead of passing it around as an argument is safe to do and is also much easier. However, you should view any require call as a hardcoded dependency which you can't change easily. E.g. if you want to mock a module for testing these hardcoded dependencies will hurt.

So passing a module instance around as an argument instead of just requiring it again and again reduces the amount of hardcoded dependencies because you inject this dependency now. E.g. in your tests you will benefit from easily injecting a mock instead.

If you go down this road you will want to use a dependency injection container that helps you injecting all your dependencies and get rid of all hardcoded require calls. To choose a dependency injection container appropriate for your project you should read this excellent article. Also check out Fire Up! which I implemented.