passport-facebook - cant get about_me and email profile fields passport-facebook - cant get about_me and email profile fields mongoose mongoose

passport-facebook - cant get about_me and email profile fields

Facebook returns some of the default attributes. If you want to access more details about client's profile you would have to declare it under the FacebookStrategy:

passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({        clientID: "...",        clientSecret: "...",        callbackURL: "...",        profileFields: ['id', '...', '...', 'photos', 'emails']      }, ...

So once you declare the attributes you would like to receive from Facebook, when someone try to log into your system he will be asked to share his photos or emails with you/your app. Once he approve this you can access its values:[0].value,profile.emails[0].value,...

For emails, sometimes it is useful to change:


To this:

passport.authenticate('facebook', { scope: 'email'}));

In the profileFields you shoul use emails (plular) instead of email (singular):

profileFields: ['id', 'displayName', 'link', 'about_me', 'photos', 'emails']

This is noted in the facebook-passport documentation

profileFields parameter which specifies a list of fields (named by Portable Contacts convention)

And you can find Portable Contacts conventions for passportjs here