Query deep level nested documents with top level document id Query deep level nested documents with top level document id mongoose mongoose

Query deep level nested documents with top level document id

You will have wrap it _id with ObjectId() and createdAt with ISODate(''). I don't know why it is not working in mongoplayground

db.collection.aggregate([  {    $match: {      _id: "5a2ca2227c42ad67682731d4"    }  },  {    $unwind: "$departments"  },  {    $unwind: "$departments.projects"  },  {    $match: {      "departments.projects.createdAt": {        $gte: "2021-04-09T00:00:00Z"      }    }  }])

MongoPlayground: https://mongoplayground.net/p/Qll_t6RBltL