Random id generation on form save mongoose Random id generation on form save mongoose mongoose mongoose

Random id generation on form save mongoose

You are using the wrong update method, instead of findOneAndUpdate() which expects a query object as the first argument (you are giving it a string), you need the findByIdAndUpdate() method which takes in a string id as first parameter.

findByIdAndUpdate(id, ...) is equivalent to findOneAndUpdate({ _id: id }, ...)

If using findOneAndUpdate() to query on a different field other than the model's _id key, say on the user field, then you can restructure the code to reflect:

// competition form details postrouter.post('/dashboard/users/forms/competition-form/:id', (req, res) => {  CompetitionForm.findOneAndUpdate(    {user: req.params.id}, // <-- query object    req.body,     {upsert:true},     (err, competition) => {      if (err) {        console.log(`Error saving data:  ${err}`);        return res.send('Error saving data');      }      res.redirect('/dashboard');      console.log(req.body);    });});